Materials for Protests in Support of Ukraine / EuroMaidan

Printable Materials for Group

Printable Posters

March 3, 2014 – Posters Against War

Prior to March 3, 2014

Chants You May Hear

Speaker: “Слава Україні” (“Slava Ukrayini” – “Glory to Ukraine”)
Crowd: “Героям слава” (“Heroyam slava” – “Glory to its heroes”)

This is the most common, but you may hear others that were originally used by Ukrainian Nationalists during World War II

Speaker: “Слава нації” (“Slava natsiyi” – “Glory to the nation”)
Crowd: “Смерть ворогам” (“Smert voroham” – “Death to enemies”)

Speaker: “Україна!” (“Ukrayina!” – “Ukraine!”)
Crowd: “Понад yсе!” (“Ponad Use” – “Above all else”)

As groups gather to mourn those that have died, you may also hear the following

“Вічная Память” (“Vichnaya Pamyat” – “Memory Eternal”)

“герої не вмирають” (“Heroyi ne vmyrayut” – “Heroes do not die”)

Materials for Posters

Below are photos that can be used on handouts, posters, etc. You can also find lots of images and graphics on Euromaidan Arts & Graphics’ Facebook Page.



General Photos

More Gruesome Photos (NSFW)

Even More Gruesome / Disturbing Than Above

* Note: The above photos are to only be used for educational/information purposes. If hosting any photo violates the rights of a copyright holder, please contact us and we will remove the image once the claim is verified.

Please contact us if you’d like to provide additional materials.