Printable Materials for Group
- Ukrainian Songbook
- Вірш: В ПАМ’ЯТЬ ПРО ЗАГИБЛИХ НА МАЙДАНІ – Poem: In memory of the victims on Maidan
- President Putin’s Fiction: 10 False Claims about Ukraine – US Department of State
- Handout / Flyer Describing Current Events
Printable Posters
March 3, 2014 – Posters Against War
- Various Posters 1
- Various Posters 2
- Various Posters 3
- Crimea Ukraine
- No to War
- No War In Ukraine
- Peace for Ukraine
- PEACE in Ukraine
- Putin Keep Your Bloody Hands Off Ukraine
- Stop WWIII
- Ukrainian flag
Prior to March 3, 2014
- Multiple Posters / Images on Drop Box
- Heroes Do Not Die – colored text
- Error 404 Democracy Not Found colored text
- My Z Vamy – black text
- My Z Vamy – blue & gold text
- Police Impunity Must End
- Respect Human Rights In Ukraine
- Sorry Is Not Enough
- SOS Ukraine
- Stop Torture In Ukraine
- Ukraine Demands Freedom From Corruption
- Yanukovich Go Away
- Ukrainian Flag
- United We Stand for Ukraine blue gold text
- Ukraine Demands Freedom From Corruption
Chants You May Hear
Speaker: “Слава Україні” (“Slava Ukrayini” – “Glory to Ukraine”)
Crowd: “Героям слава” (“Heroyam slava” – “Glory to its heroes”)
This is the most common, but you may hear others that were originally used by Ukrainian Nationalists during World War II
Speaker: “Слава нації” (“Slava natsiyi” – “Glory to the nation”)
Crowd: “Смерть ворогам” (“Smert voroham” – “Death to enemies”)
Speaker: “Україна!” (“Ukrayina!” – “Ukraine!”)
Crowd: “Понад yсе!” (“Ponad Use” – “Above all else”)
As groups gather to mourn those that have died, you may also hear the following
“Вічная Память” (“Vichnaya Pamyat” – “Memory Eternal”)
“герої не вмирають” (“Heroyi ne vmyrayut” – “Heroes do not die”)
Materials for Posters
Below are photos that can be used on handouts, posters, etc. You can also find lots of images and graphics on Euromaidan Arts & Graphics’ Facebook Page.
- Song Being Played as Bodies of those Killed are Taken from Maidan – (MP3 –
Lyrics to the Song
General Photos
- Soldier Aiming at Person
- 2014-02-20 morning in kyiv
- kyiv 1240 1941 2014
- ukraine is bleeding
- berkut firing on protesters
- bloody shields
- crosses on barricades
- filename.txt
- maidan before and after
- maidan december
- maidan december 02
- maidan warzone
- Mykhailo Mykhailovych
- Serguiy Nigoyan
- sniper and ak47
- statue burning background
- statue burning kyiv
- ukrainian flag with bullet holes
- upset woman body in background
- woman pleading with berkut
- young protester
- roman
- romans grieving parents
More Gruesome Photos (NSFW)
- bleeding man sitting man curled into ball
- man bleeding embracing woman
- man head wound being bandaged
- 5 dead
- 2 dead
- another man bloody face
- auto maidan leader bloody face
- berkut beating man
- berkut dragging wounded men
- covered bodies
- dead man on pavement
- euromaidan operating room 01
- euromaidan operating room 02
- euromaidan operating room 03
- euromaidan operating room 04
- father and son bloody
- interior minister member being transported on stretcher
- man bandaged head
- man bloody face
- man bloody head closeup
- man on fire
- man wounded head
- multiple men on fire
- priest praying over dead men
- Roman Sennik Funeral
- third man bloody face
- olesya
- dead bodies in hotel covered
- dead man with bullet proof vest
- dead man 02
- dead man 03
- dead man 04
- very bloody man
Even More Gruesome / Disturbing Than Above
* Note: The above photos are to only be used for educational/information purposes. If hosting any photo violates the rights of a copyright holder, please contact us and we will remove the image once the claim is verified.
Please contact us if you’d like to provide additional materials.